Sunday, August 31, 2008

These Are My Toys

Aly has just started really grabbing things! She holds on for dear life once she has them!

School's In Session

Our first day of school was on Aug. 20. Although we have been back at Little Village since mid-July, we had our official First Day of School picture taken on Aug. 20. Aly has a little boy who is almost 2 in her class and a little girl who is 9 months in her class. Aly does well at school but she does like for most of the attention to be on her (we have no idea where this came from -- haha). My classroom is right next door so I can hear how things are going (this can be good and bad!). Jeff works right up the street so he can bring her or take her if I have a long day. This works out well except for when I forget that I put my car keys in the diaper bag and he comes to get her, but our lesson has been learned (we hope!).

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My How She's Grown

Alyzabeth turned 3 months on Aug. 29. She has changed so much already!