We went to the doctor for Aly's 4 month visit. She weighs 15 pounds 6 ounces and is 25 inches tall. The doctor said she is doing great:) It's so hard to believe that she is 4 months already! These past 4 months went a whole lot faster than the last 4 months of being pregnant!
Aly was in her first road race on Saturday, Sept. 27. It was the Blessed Sacrament 5k. It was a small race but a good one to get Mommy back into racing:) Mommy and Aly came in second in Mommy's age group, Aunt Meghan came in third in her age group and Grandpa Poth came in first in his age group!
We recently found out that after 3 years of trying to find an area in Granville that they will let Little Village build on, that our plans have been approved and foundation will be poured this week! The new building will be about triple the size of our current school. We are all so excited and are keeping our fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly. We should be in by Summer '09!
Today was Picture Day at LV. I got a picture of her before school just in case the outfit didn't last until 10:30 (but it did). Aly was not all about having her picture taken at first. She cried for most of the first attempt but then when we tried again after all the big kids got their pictures she did fine. We got them done outside and it was a beautiful day, we can't wait to get them back!
Aly went to her first parade on Sept. 21. It was the United Way Parade hosted by the Jay-Cees. Aunt Meghan is a member. Aly had lots of fun and enjoyed the bands.
Sunday, September 7 was Aly's first Football Sunday. She was pumped for the Bears/Colts game, but didn't get to watch it because it was the night game but she did go down to watch some of the afternoon games with her dad. She likes to talk through the whole game just like her mom. She was so happy to hear that the Bears won the game, beating the Colts 29-13 or something like that.
With the new season of 90210 starting this week I wanted to be sure that Aly was in the loop so we spent a good deal of Labor Day catching up with Donna, Kelly and Brenda.
Sometimes I will sit Alyzabeth down to play and I will hear her cooing like crazy and then all of a sudden it will stop and I'll look over and she is fast asleep!