Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Car Seat

Here's Aly in her new big girl car seat! We decided it was time to get a bigger one when her feet kept bumping into everything because they were hanging over the edge of the old one. Gone are the easy days of carrying the carrier everywhere! It was fun getting one with pink accents since all of the other major baby items we have are all so neutral. Notice the Christmas pjs she's wearing, I'm slightly behind on laundry!

Sleeping in on Saturday

After getting up at 7, eating and getting changed, I took Aly into our bed to see if she would lay down for a little bit longer and did she ever! She didn't get back up until close to noon! I enjoyed getting a little extra sleep myself:)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Biggest Loser Week 3

Another weigh in today...lost 1.2lbs, I feel like for the deprivation I have induced upon myself that I should be losing more!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Aly is finally saying "mama"! She has been saying "dada" for months, but I could not get her to mama for anything and finally she said it nice and clear this weekend and she has been talking about me ever since:)

Lower Mattress

We decided to lower the mattress in Aly's bed because she is getting so active. We also took out the bumper pad because she was pulling it down to peek out of (which was so cute to watch her do!). We went ahead and put the mattress on the lowest setting which seems really low! She likes scooting around on the mattress and sticking her legs through the slats. She is going to be like her mother, all over the place while she sleeps!

So Tired I Can't Even Eat

Aly was very sleeping on Friday night. She kept dozing off while we were eating dinner! We had had a very busy afternoon though:) Of course, when we put her in bed she wanted nothing to do with it!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Biggest Loser Week 2

I lost 1.4 pounds this week, making a grand total of 5.2 pounds:)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Top Teeth

We were very surprised to discover that Aly has at least 4 top teeth about to break through! This helps explain the runny nose! Top teeth fun fact: Baby top teeth grow out, not down which makes them look kind of funny as they are coming in.

Friday, January 16, 2009

First Fire in the Fireplace

It's been so cold here that we finally decided to get the fireplace cleaned out so we could enjoy a fire. Aly didn't really seem all that interested in it (I guess that's a good thing).

First Trip to Urgent Care

We had to make a trip to Urgent Care today:( Aly had had a cough and running nose for a few days and we called to Dr. and they seemed to think it was just an average cold but she didn't seem to be getting any better and her breathing was a little weezie and there were a couple cases of croup at Little Village so Jeff and I panicked and took her to Urgent Care on Friday evening. Turns out her lungs are perfectly clear and it's just a bit of an upper respiratory infection:) We were just happy to hear from a professional that things here ok and she should hopefully be better soon!


Aly is very interested in pulling herself up and learning about standing. She pulls on anything she can get her hands on but has not been able to make it all the way up.
She likes to look in her toy box to pick out what she wants to play with.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Biggest Looser

Well like most people, Little Village has jumped on the Biggest Looser bandwagon. We started our competition on Monday, Jan. 5. We weigh in every Monday and the girl with the highest percentage weight loss each week gets an incentive. We will have a big prize for the biggest looser as of March 30 and another one for Jan - the end of May. I REALLY need this as having my beautiful, but big, baby girl helped me add on some extra weight (yeah, yeah, I know it wasn't all her, but she did help some!). As of Monday, Jan. 12 I've lost 3.8 lbs. Here's hoping I continue to lose!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Keep your eye on the ball

Aly is quite the athlete! She loves to play baseball. Hopefully she will be a lot more coordinated than her mother!

New Year's Eve

Aly partied like a rock star on New Year's Eve...she danced on the bar and the pool table. We had some people over and it was a lot of fun. Aly slept in her pack and play in our room because you can't hear the noise from the basement as much and she did just fine. She slept right through midnight but woke up around 2 just as I was getting ready to go to bed! Oh well, she was able to go join the party a little more and she just ate up all the attention she was getting!