Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ready for Vacation

Myrtle Beach is still a few months away but we wanted to make sure our new swimmies work!

Second Trimester

At 14 weeks (and 1 day!) I am officially into my second trimester! I can't believe how fast things are going! We have a lot to do to get the baby's room ready and this is the time to do it. I already have a bit of a bump but they do say you start to show earlier with the second. I think it's because I still looked like I was pregnant after having Aly but my mom said it's something to do with the muscles. I still feel nauseous but it's getting better, don't need quite as many saltines to make it through the day:)

Our Little Busy Body

Aly is so into everything! She loves crawling across the fireplace, going for Shadow's bowls, trying to get the cords behind the TV, turning the TV on and off, getting into the trashcan, and stopping to stare at us because she knows she is doing something she shouldn't! She also loves to talk during Mass. But we are loving every minute!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sick Mommy

Well yesterday I came down with whatever has been going around Little Village. Just glad it was me and not Aly. I have a stuffed up nose, horrible cough, a headache and dizziness. Add that to morning sickness and I feel like I have been run over my the moving semi that has been parked in our cul-de-sac all day (seriously, who uses a semi to move?) Taking care of an active 9 month old while sick is quite a task, luckily, Jeff has been a huge help and has allowed me to sleep most of the day away. Here's hoping I get this cleared up soon!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Been Awhile

My computer got a nasty virus and we had to get a new one which just got here yesterday. Things are good in our world. Aly is very active and keeping us busy. Add her active lifestyle to being pregnant and I am exhausted, but very happy. She is 20lbs 3oz and 28.25 inches long as of last Monday. She is staying pretty healthy too, a runny nose has been about the worst of it. I go for my 12 weeks appointment this week. Here are a few new pics. Her latest things are not eating, falling asleep in the highchair and waving while saying hi to everything (she is practicing for Homecoming Queen).