Saturday, April 25, 2009

Easton Saturday

On Saturday we took Aly to Cookie Cutters for her first haircut. It was really more of a trim. They made everything nice and even, She did a pretty good job, just a few times of looking at us like she wasn't too happy, but no tears.

She got some product in her hair and then it got blown dry and then it got styled.

I just got my hair did!

After the haircut it was time to head to Stride Rite to get some new kicks. We opted for velcro to make our life a little easier, but as soon as we but her in the car we heard her unfastening them!

Sunny Day

It was nice and sunny on Friday so we sent some time outside after school. Aly is not so sure about the grass. She sat in it and tried to keep her feet from touching it. She is able to climb into her Adirondack chair and is trying to learn how to climb out of it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


We had a very busy Easter. We started out by getting up at 6! We went to Mass at 8 and were on the move until 7:30!
Aly got a special Easter basket for her first Easter. We will need a bigger one next year to collect all the eggs in!
The Easter Bunny knew that we could really use some more sippy cups!

We went to visit Great-Grandma Dolan at Arlington Nursing Home.

Then we went to see Great-Grandma Poth at her house.

Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa Rothweilers.

Happy Easter everyone!


A couple of weeks ago Jeff mentioned that he had noticed a lump on Shadow that was getting bigger. We took her to the vet and she said that it was cancer and that we should have it removed. We didn't know how bad it was, we would have to wait and she after surgery. We were devastated. She had her surgery and is recovering nicely. Then, we got the good news that it was a Stage 1 (best case scenario) and that it looked like they got it all with the surgery. Stitches should be coming out this week.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

16 week appointment

I had my monthly prenatal Dr (midwife) appointment today. Everything is looking good. Heart rate is mid 130s, lower than Aly's was at this stage in the game, could it mean it's a boy? My mom did an ultrasound and could tell what it was. She wrote it down for Jeff because he is still thinking about finding out. He hasn't looked at the paper yet. I still do not want to find out but am curious as to whether he will look or not. My next appointment is May 6 and I will be nearly 20 weeks! 1/2 way there!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Going through her bag

Aly wanted to make sure that her bag was packed and ready before going to school tomorrow.

Helping with the Dishes

Jeff and I always fight over doing the dishes but Aly loves the dishwasher! We can't wait until she is old enough to do them herself!