Monday, July 20, 2009

The New Little Village is Open

The day finally came! After lots of anticipation, and long days and nights we had our first day at the new center! It was exciting for everyone - kids, parents, staff. The building is 4x our old building so it's going to take some getting used to. In addition to all of the regular classrooms we have an indoor large motor room for the infants & toddlers, a school-age commons (complete with Wiis), a gym, locker rooms, a library, an art room, a music and movement studio, a theater and a kitchen. It's a little overwhelming since we are coming from 4 classrooms and 1 bathroom!
This is my classroom for the fall. It is set up for the 1st & 2nd graders over the summer.

This is Aly's room. She wasn't so sure about it at first and it didn't help that a 10 week old started today and took away some of the attention she is used to (good practice for when Payton comes), but she was pretty adjusted by the time we left.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Aly's First Surgery

Aly had her first surgery on Thursday, July 16. It was to open a blocked tear duct. It was a very quick procedure, but she still had to be put under which was very hard! She did great though and her eye is looking much better! The anesthesia did not have much of an after affect on her. She was running all over by the time we got home!
The eye docter sent her a stuffed animal and balloons, she loved the balloons!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A few pics of Payton

We had our 30 week check-up today and Payton and I are doing great! I am measuring 31 weeks and Payton looks to be weighing close to 4lbs already! My mom did an ultrasound (of course!) and a 3D one too. The 3D ones turned out really really great! My scanner is still not working so I had to take pictures of the pictures so they are a little blurry. The top one is Payton's face from a regular ultrasound and the bottom is a 3D.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


We have been showing Aly my belly and telling her that that is where the baby is so now she likes to lift up my shirt and "pat" (more like smack) my belly and say "bay-bay". We are trying to get her to say Payton but no such luck. She can say her name though:)

Playing in the dryer

Earlier this week I was moving laundry from the washer to the dryer and I looked over and saw that Aly had climbed up on the dryer and was trying to get in it. At first it surprised me and then I had to go get the camera to capture the moment! This child is always on the move and my ever growing belly is making it hard to keep up!

Corn on the Cob

Aly really loves corn on the cob! She will point with her mouth hanging open while we eat it. If that doesn't get her point across then she'll start yelling!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Myrtle Beach

We took our first family vacation this past week. We stayed at my parents' condo in North Myrtle Beach. My parents and Meghan stayed there too and Jeff's parents stayed at a place just up the road. It was a lot of family togetherness but it was nice having the extra helping hands too! Aly loved the beach, ocean and swimming pool. Her schedule flew out the window but she really adapted well. She loved having all of the people around to entertain. She is going through quite an independent stage and doesn't like anyone trying to do things for her! That made running after her at the beach and the pool quite an exercise. Next year should be interesting with her being 25 months and Payton being 9 months. Maybe I won't be pregnant that time around but you never know...
First time in the ocean - no fear!
She got into a poolside nap routine, not sure how Little Village will be able to keep that up.

Climbing up and down the pool steps was her favorite thing to do at the pool. She had no problem with going under and getting her face wet.

We don't cook on vacation so going out every night is our only option! Aly held up pretty well but there were some nights that it got to be a bit much for her. A family friend was down there too and she offered to watch Aly one night and we took her up on it so we could go to a little bit nicer restaurant.
Aly's favorite spot in the condo - by the door playing with the beach shoes.

Last day at the beach:(

Pool time!

Last night. It's a Poth tradition to have your picture taken by this tree at a local restaurant.

Ice cream! There is an ice cream shop right at the entrance to complex, how convenient!