I haven't updated in awhile so here are a few pics of what we've been up to...

Aly and I went to go visit Katie and Evan and EKar came to visit to. Aly and Evan seemed to have a good time together, especially being nice and loud at Roosters!

My mom has been going through all of my old toys and giving them to Aly. This stroller is about 25 years old, not sure how much longer it will last.

Aly has an obsession with shoes. She loves to put on our shoes and walk around in them and she is always bringing us her shoes to put on her and then she whines at the back door to go out and play.

Playing with Shadow. Aly pretty much beats the crap out of Shadow. She jumps on her back, pulls her ears, pinches her fur, teases her with food, you name it. Shadow just puts up with it. Hopefully Aly will not do this to Payton

Even though Aly doesn't use a bottle anymore we still call her sippy a ba-ba. When she is ready for bed she goes to the fridge and hits the door and says "ba-ba". Tonight we gave her the gallon of milk to see what she would do.