Monday, September 28, 2009

Payton Wesley

Payton Wesley joined us at 7:04pm on Sept. 24. He weighs 8lbs 5oz and was 20 1/4 inches. He is just perfect! His big sister loves him very much and is adjusting to not be an only child:)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Making Dinner with Daddy

Aly helped Daddy make her dinner - grilled cheese, she thought it was yummy!

Go Bucks!

Aly went to her first football party on Saturday. She stood in the center of the room and danced for everyone - she made her mother proud:)


Aly has discovered climbing! She climbs on everything!
Mommy and Daddy weren't paying as much attention to her as we should have because by the time we decided to go look for her she was already up on the kitchen table--oops.
So much for fresh air - Aly climbs up on the windowsill and pushes on the screen when the windows are open.

The dog gets the worst of it! This chair used to be just Shadow's.